Lose 10 - 15 kg per month without taking them back!


Detox Plan - Eat and Lose Weight!

Lose 10 - 15 kg per month without taking them back.


Lose weight throughout the day!

24/7 system

Get rid of fat and slag without losing muscle mass

·         Improve digestion

·         100% natural

·         Speeds up the metabolism, even at rest

fat cells first fat cells later 


Results of the

scientific research

Before developing Black Latte, the detoxifying and fat burning properties of over 2000 food products were examined. Based on these results, a unique detox formula has been created that works in harmony with human biorhythms.

Micro-elements trigger the purification process in the body and regulate the feeling of hunger, while organic acids accelerate the burning of fats.

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Start your day with a full of energy


A glass of Black Latte a day will cleanse your body and charge it with energy



A unique combination of components promotes healthy bowel functioning. During the day, this formula will protect you from heaviness, swelling and stomach irritation. The food you consume will be digested quickly and will not turn into fat.

Activated carbon + L-Carnitine

·         They improve digestion

·         They accelerate fat burning.

·         They reduce the levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood

·         They suppress appetite


What makes its composition so special?

Your body transforms thanks to the special combination of natural substances, which bring energy and accelerate the burning of fats

Changes in body weight, kg

·                   -15

·                   -12

·                   -10

·                   -5

Weight loss

·         Common diets

·         Black Latte

Weight maintenance

·         Common diets

·         Black Latteto use it



Dissolve a spoonful of Black Latte in a glass of hot water



Take once a day. For best results, it is recommended to drink Black Latte for breakfast.



Recommended duration of hiring: 1 month




67 kg Before


54 kg after 1 months

Monica, 28 years old

After giving birth I had put on weight. I thought it would be easy to get rid of it but, even after a series of diets, I didn't stop getting fat again. I was always hungry and constantly in a bad mood. After taking Black Latte, I immediately started feeling better. I had more energy during the day and slept better at night, I was less stressed and I no longer had sudden cravings for chocolate and chips (my favorite snacks). The result: I reached my ideal weight in two and a half months. If it weren't for Black Latte, it would probably have taken me over a year!

Quick weight loss in the first two weeks


in 1 months

These results are obtained thanks to the combination of two factors: the splitting of fats + the elimination of toxins.

Toxins and slags are eliminated from the body during the first weeks of treatment.

This gives visible results.  During the 2-week period, subcutaneous fat begins to split, blood alkalinity levels are returned to normal and its general composition improves. The weight loss process may seem slow because it is the general health that must be recovered, first of all.

Recommended by



Black Latte is a biologically active supplement that improves health significantly and visibly. I see it from improving the results of my patients' blood tests. Low cholesterol, stable glucose levels, healthy protein levels - the results of their analyzes are perfect, thanks to Black Latte!



Build your new body!



customers say

I heard about Black Latte six months ago. At the time, I weighed 90 kg. I managed to lose 20 kg in two months! I am incredibly satisfied! Subsequently, the slimming process slowed down. Despite this, I now weigh 62 kg and feel better than ever.

Simona 17.07.2020

I lost weight thanks to Black Latte about a year ago. The most important thing is that Black Latte not only helped me lose 20 kg, but also purified my body. I no longer have stomach pains, my allergies are gone and I am always full of energy.

Emanuela 17.07.2020

It is really good! I've been taking it for some time. At the moment, I can only say that my habit of munching snacks out of sheer boredom is gone.

Laura 17.07.2020

I have been taking Black Latte for a week, but I can already see the results. Jeans are no longer so tight.

Alessandra 17.07.2020

I trained hard in the gym for 2 years. In addition, I was constantly on a diet, because I wanted to lose 47 kg. It was really exhausting. I had decided to try Black Latte because I didn't know what to do about excess weight anymore.

Stefano 18.07.2020

A colleague of mine takes Black Latte every day. He lost a lot of weight! It has gone from size XL to S, so I can confirm that this supplement really works. It is more effective than diet and you end up winning.

Claudia 19.07.2020

I love the sense of lightness donated by Black Latte. I have a lot of energy all day long! Now coffee is a thing of the past: now I eat healthy and I feel great.

Teresa 19.07.2020

Yeyyy !! Black Latte is really different! I lost 6 kilos in a month, without any effort, on the contrary, I didn't even notice it. Now I work hard on my abs.

Cristian 20.07.2020

I have been taking Black Latte for over a month and it has made me lose weight. Slowly, my appetite has diminished. I started to feel full with smaller portions. I was not on a diet, I had simply limited the quantities of sugar and pastries. The result is that I have lost 11 kg. The love handles are gone, along with the fat on the belly. I am satisfied, considering my constitution.

Fiorenza 22.07.2020

If you just want to lose weight, this drink will help you, but don't expect too much. If you want an athletic body, you have to exercise.

I drive 22.07.2020

Black Latte is my last hope! I haven't been losing weight for ten years. I have tried everything. Today I ordered this smoothie. Let's see what happens when it arrives.

Martina 23.07.2020

I don't know what the others think, but I'm very satisfied with this smoothie. Black Latte really helped me, I lost 23 kg. Now I want to do more sport! Before I could not even have imagined having such an incredible body.

Elena 23.07.2020

I like taking Black Latte before the exercises. It gives me enough energy to do chores, too!

Emilia 24.07.2020

I've been doing sports all my life and I've always had problems with my waist and thighs! I want a perfect body. The time has come to start taking Black Latte.

Lucia 25.07.2020

BlackLatte - eat and lose weight!


Get a perfect body without damaging your health



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  • Princess ,

    This is your fault! Are you stupid or what? How could you let yourself go like this? 90 kg! It's clear why your husband looked elsewhere! I've never been as fat as you, but  Black Latte  helped me lose weight in spring. I lost 8 kg in a few weeks and the results were just perfect. I didn't even have stretch marks. Why go hungry with diets or torment yourself with questionable sports?

  • Lily ,

    So you eat like a fat cow first and then ask yourself why your friend never made an application to you? Men like slim women.

  • Barbara ,

    I read your story and came to the conclusion that some women just don't want to see reality when they look in the mirror. I was the same and gained a lot of weight. A year ago I drank black latte and lost 19 kg. Most women are starving to death or torturing themselves because they think other methods are nonsense. But you should try everything first.

  • Juliane ,

    The tears came to me with your story. This is true love!

  • Mandy ,

    It's really incredible. I wish I would look like this after my second pregnancy. Well done!

  • Paulina ,

    Is  black latte  suitable for everyone? My mother is 56 years old. What if it harms your health?

  • Jeanette ,

    Paulina, my mother is 59 years old and has lost 12 kg. She looks almost like me now! This is not a problem at all because it has only natural ingredients and no side effects.

  • Michael ,
    june 23, 2020

    My wife and I also lost weight with  Black Latte  . She ordered it immediately when it was available in Germany. While she lost 13 kg, I lost 18 kg. My wife now looks like a model and has no stretch marks or sagging skin. And I got rid of my beer belly!

  • Marianne ,
    june 23, 2020

    Michael, do you remember which website your wife ordered it from? As soon as a good product appears on the market, fraudsters always appear very quickly with their fakes.

  • Michael ,

    She ordered it on the manufacturer's website (see green button above). Here is the link:  Click here and go to the website .

  • Stefanie ,

    It's just wonderful that you can eat everything without hesitation and don't lose weight! And the clothes still fit. Just awesome!

  • Lisa ,

    I lost 12 kg in the first month and then another 8 kg in the second month. This is my last month with  Black Latte . I think in the end I will have lost 25 kg. These are really fantastic results when you think of my starting weight. Don't believe all the nonsense that only diets help.

  • Helena ,

    Lisa, do you happen to have photos of before and after the transformation? I'm so curious!

    • curious!

    • Lisa ,

      Clear. And I share it with pride! These are some old and new photos of me. 

    • Helena ,

      Wow thanks! But you also looked really good beforehand!

    • Lisa ,

      My husband left me a year and a half ago but came back last month. I asked him directly why and he just said that he would never have left me if I looked like this.

    • Denise ,

      I lost 9 pounds in a few months and was a little disappointed because I expected more. You just can't lose 15-20kg in just a month.

    • Andrea ,

      I like this method because you lose weight regularly, which is not harmful to your health. I easily lost 3-4 kg a week. In the end it was 12 kg per month! I think that's really good!

    • Sofia ,

      I received my  black latte  yesterday and immediately drank a cup. Then again in the evening. I no longer felt hungry at all! The appetite is really curbed and I am excited to see what results are waiting for me. 200 grams a day would be a start.

    • Barbara ,

      Do you happen to have a picture of Black Latte?

    • Sofia ,

      Of course, no problem

    • Isabell ,

      Unfortunately I have had bad experiences with Black Latte and cannot recommend it to anyone. I just wanted to lose a few pounds, but I lost 7 pounds straight away! I didn't want to lose that much and you really lose control! I was getting thinner and now I'm trying to gain weight again.  

    • Paulina ,

      Folks, why are you so angry? "Eat less", "It's your fault", etc. If you look in the mirror every day, you may not notice the changes. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. I can understand Anne really well. I am happy for her transformation. It is normal for her to have doubts. These products are everywhere, but in fact 80-90% of these products are unusable. She didn't know Black Latte  would be so effective. Unfortunately, many do not yet know it. 

    • Lisa ,

      Everyone knows this product. A neighbor of mine started drinking black latte last December. For New Year's Eve, she fit into her old dress that she had last worn 10 years ago! She lost 12 kg within a month. The men turn back to face her.

    • Rita ,

      Your husband is so cute :) Anne should have started with herself a long time ago. Of course, it is her fault that she has gained so much. She was pissed when she saw him staring at other women, but what did she expect? Obviously, he likes skinny women. She is lucky that she is still with her Black latte is really popular. I wonder if there is anyone who has never heard of this coffee. Probably those who are not interested in themselves and their weight have not heard about the product. Everyone who wants to lose weight is already using the product and has been successful with it. As simple as that! Go to the official website, order this coffee, try it and be amazed at the results! Is it so difficult to open the website and learn a little more about the product?

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